Scrawl: A fully responsive theme for Ghost

Scrawl on a tablet

Features include:

See the screenshots below.

How to install

Get the .zip file for the latest version here.

Ghost(Pro) users can upload this .zip file via the Pro dashboard. See the official guide. Self-hosted Ghost users should upload the .zip file to Ghost's content/themes/ directory and extract it with unzip -o


Scrawl adheres to the Ghost Theme Configuration Approach, allowing you to add your own social media links to pre-formatted buttons without touching your website's server.

The configuration for Scrawl uses the code injection interface, which you will find at yourwebsite.address/ghost. Each social network or profile that you want to add, requires only one line adding to the blog header code injection.

This configuration approach is designed to be as easy for the user as possible, but if you have any problems then please don't hesitate to get in touch with me!

Social media links

Scrawl supports a range of social media platforms. When configured, a button will appear for each platform in the footer that appears on each page of the theme.

Below is the list of the social media platforms currently supported. Choose the ones that you would like to include on your blog and copy the code. Then, replace the ... with your username for that platform. Remember to keep the speech marks!

For example, if I wanted to add a link to my twitter profile to a blog using scrawl I would simply put

<script>window.__themeCfg.twitterUsername = 'ktweeden';<script>

Copy and paste the relevant links to the blog header code injection box:

bitbucket: <script>window.__themeCfg.bitbucketUsername = '...';</script>

codepen: <script>window.__themeCfg.codepenUsername = '...';<script>

facebook: <script>window.__themeCfg.facebookUsername = '...';<script>

github: <script>window.__themeCfg.githubUsername = '...';<script>

instagram: <script>window.__themeCfg.instagramUsername = '...';<script>

pinterest: <script>window.__themeCfg.pinterestUsername = '...';<script>

tumblr: <script>window.__themeCfg.tumblrUsername = '...';<script>

twitter: <script>window.__themeCfg.twitterUsername = '...';<script>

vine: <script>window.__themeCfg.vineUsername = '...';<script>

youtube: <script>window.__themeCfg.youtubeUsername = '...';<script>


Scrawl comes with the Disqus commenting platform so that you can easily manage interactions with your readers.

To enable commenting:

<script>window.__themeCfg.disqusUsername = '...';</script>

Scrawl in action

Enough talk, here are some pictures.

Home page

Scrawl home page example


Scrawl post example

formatting example


Scrawl home page example


Scrawl home page example